Masahiko Kiyooka + Associates are seeking partners to share in activities with us.

The only condition to be a partner is to share all knowledge and skills for creative work.

I hope that our partners and we can empathize at times and discuss ways to accomplish many tasks together.

How to apply :
Applicants are accepted regardless of individuals, groups, corporate enterprises, intern or volunteers. Please fill in the following form and send it to us. Thank you for answering precisely as possible in each column. All personal information given to us will be securely filed at our company and applicants will be contacted directly for participation in activities.

Mail form

Please feel free to inquire.

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

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    Email address*(required)

    Choose the right item*(required)

    Your Message

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    Masahiko Kiyooka + Associates
    4349 Tana Chuoku Sagamihara-shi Kanagawa Prefecture, 252-0244 JapanTEL 81-42-772-3807
    c 2015 Masahiko Kiyooka + Associates. All rights reserved.